Kenya Playground at Gianchere Special Needs Primary School

In August 2023, during a family visit to Gianchere Primary Special Needs School in Kenya, John Davie Jr. observed that the 140 children attending lacked a playground. Touched by this observation, the Davie family embarked on a mission to gift them one.

Breaking ground on February 2nd, the JD Jr. playground project will not only feature a full volleyball court but also a football (soccer) pitch, intended for both the school and the wider community.

With an anticipated completion date set for April 2024, this initiative aims to provide a space for children to play and enjoy physical activities. All of this has been made possible within a budget of $3500, ensuring a meaningful contribution to the children’s well-being and recreational opportunities.

Maternity Ward in Ghana

  • Broke Ground in August of 2023
  • Impact 8 communities ranging a total of 3,000 people
  • Will care for 8-10 women at a time
  • Allowing women to have a recovering space- we have building floor plans for this project

In August of 2023, the GO Fund broke ground to establish a much-needed maternity ward in the Abura Asebu Kwamankese District of Ghana. In a region where woman previously gave birth at home, hours from the nearest “clinic”, this new maternity ward will impact 8 communities and touch the lives of 3,000 individuals, providing a safe haven for expectant mothers, ensuring they receive vital medical attention and support during childbirth.

The ward itself will have a capacity to care for 8-10 woman at a time and offers these woman a dignified space for recovery, healing and well-being. With building plans in place and a budget of $47,000, the GO Fund  is looking for support in bringing this vision to reality. Much more than just the construction of a medical ward, this project signifies hope, resilience and a brighter future for countless woman and their families. Please join us in championing the cause of accessible and compassionate healthcare for all by donating today!

Starlink Internet Project

  • Starlink is a satellite internet operated by SpaceX.
  • Allows high-speed internet anywhere
  • 4 Starlinks were donated in Kenya
  • Given to the farming project facility – Mosocho Campus
  • One given to Nyakeogiro Primary School-impacting 910 students
  • Given to the 2 special needs schools (Primary and Secondary) Gianchere Schools. This will cover the 2 computer labs that will impact about 280 students

In our commitment to bridging the digital divide, we’re proud to announce our recent donations in Kenya. Four Starlink systems have been generously donated. Starlink provides high-speed internet access around the globe enriching lives in various impactful ways:

  • Mosocho Campus Farming Project: Enhancing efficiency and knowledge exchange, a Starlink system has been installed at the Mosocho Campus Farming Project, bolstering agricultural practices and empowering local farmers.
  • Nyakeogiro Primary School: With a focus on education, one Starlink system has been donated to the Nyakeogiro Primary School, which serves over 910 students and will revolutionize learning opportunities in the region.
  • Gianchere Special Needs Schools: Two Starlink systems have been dedicated to the Gianchere Special Needs Schools, supporting 280 students across two computer labs. Thanks to the support of GO Fund, these computer labs are equipped to nurture skills and provide access to essential resources.

As we continue our mission to foster digital empowerment to those in need, join us in building a brighter, more connected future for all by donating today! Together, let’s unlock the potential of connectivity and create lasting change in communities worldwide.

Palm Oil Machine, Ghana

An industrial locally made electric oil palm machine for Gyabankrom Women’s group. 61 women have registered for the program to use the machine. There will be a small fee to use the machine to help sustain the general Maintenace and electricity of the machine.

Palm oil is an important crop grown primarily by small farmers in central Ghana. The production of palm oil employs a significant number of woman and opens new economic opportunities.

This project will help raise money for an industrial, locally made, electric palm oil machine for the Gyabankrom Women’s Group. Currently, 61 women have registered for the program and have requested access to use the machine. Once the machine has been purchased, there will be a small fee to use the machine to help sustain the general maintenance and electricity used to the power the machine.

Kenya Water Project

Water Borehole was provided to the community of Mosocho to impact about 3,000 people. This will allow people to have easy access to clean and safe water. The water will be provided to the local schools, including both primary and secondary special needs schools. This project is still in need of a water fountain station. Estimated cost of fountain station is TBD.

Access to clean, safe drinking water is a never-ending need in Kenya. The Mosochoto community was recently provided with a water borehole, giving them access to natural spring water. This water access will impact more than 3,000 people and bring clean drinking water to local schools, including both primary and secondary special needs schools.

This project is still in need of a water fountain station. Your donation will help us continue our efforts of bringing clean, safe drinking water to the Mosochoto community.

Buyers Edge Farming Culinary & Entrepreneurial Center

October 2023 we sent 4 Local Kenyan Farmers to visit a regenerative farming training Center in Ghana. This allowed the Kenaya farmers to begin a no-till farming project in Kenya. 

Mama Sara’s Kitchen

The kitchen will impact approx 2,000 people in the community of Kisii. The kitchen will provide catering services to the community, along with banquet space to have community events such as weddings, political meetings, and family parties. The kitchen will also provide a meals on wheels for the elderly in the community, and once a month meals for special needs children. The homeless and community shelters will also receive meals when available.

Tina’s Restaurant

A local restaurant in the community that will provide a cuisine of Kenyan/ American fusion – utilizing the crops from the Buyers Edge Platform Farming, Culinary & Entrepreneurial Center.

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Buyers Edge Farming, Culinary & Entrepreneurial Center

The vision of the Buyers Edge Farming, Culinary and Entrepreneurial Center is to connect future food entrepreneurs in Kenya with technology, innovation and shared knowledge transfer with highly successful U.S. based Farmers and Food Businesses to create high yielding and sustainable food businesses which, in turn, feed the hungry.

JD Center for Farming and Nutritional Services

In October of 2023, the foundation sponsored 4 local Kenyan farmers to visit a regenerative farming center in Ghana. During their time at the center, these farmers were able to learn more about Regenerative farming; a practice which nurtures and restores soil health, protects the climate, water resources and biodiversity, and enhances farms’ productivity and profitability. The farmers were able to take these new learned techniques and apply them back to their own projects in Kenya.

The Davie Family Foundation is proud to work on this collaboration with the Go Fund Organization. Together, we are enhancing and expanding our culinary center in Ghana, which has become a beacon of opportunity and innovation in the region. This partnership ensures that we can keep providing top-notch resources and training to the local community.

Learn more about how this partnership is making a difference and how you can contribute.

Youth Entrepreneurial Culinary Center

The Youth Entrepreneurial Center in Ohiaba Community is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at empowering the next generation of young food entrepreneurs. Inspired by the success of the Buyers Edge Farming Culinary & Entrepreneurial Center in Ghana, this project is driven by a shared vision of fostering economic growth, innovation, and community development. With the generous support of the Davie Family Foundation, the project is poised to make a significant impact on the lives of aspiring entrepreneurs and the broader community.

The project commenced with the strategic acquisition of land in Ohiaba Community, laying the groundwork for the establishment of the Youth Entrepreneurial Center. This pivotal step, made possible through the support of the Davie Family Foundation, marks the inception of a transformative journey towards empowering local youth and addressing societal challenges.

Drawing inspiration from the mission of the Buyers Edge center, the Youth Entrepreneurial Center aims to bridge the gap between local talent and global expertise in the food industry. By leveraging technology, fostering innovation, and providing mentorship, the center seeks to equip young entrepreneurs with the tools and skills needed to thrive in the competitive food market. The ultimate goal is to foster economic growth, stimulate innovation, and contribute to the fight against food insecurity by ensuring that ventures emerging from the center play a vital role in feeding the hungry, both locally and beyond.

The Youth Entrepreneurial Center will serve as a hub of innovation and collaboration, offering training, mentorship, and resources to aspiring food entrepreneurs. Through workshops, seminars, and hands-on experiences, participants will gain valuable insights into various aspects of food production, culinary arts, business management, and market dynamics. The center will facilitate networking opportunities, connecting entrepreneurs with industry experts, investors, and potential collaborators, thereby fostering a supportive ecosystem for growth and success.

Impact: The establishment of the Youth Entrepreneurial Center represents more than just a physical infrastructure; it signifies a commitment to creating sustainable pathways to prosperity and opportunity for the youth of Ohiaba Community. By empowering young entrepreneurs to create viable and impactful food businesses, the center will contribute to job creation, income generation, and community development. Moreover, by addressing food insecurity through innovative ventures, the center will make a tangible difference in the lives of those most in need, fulfilling the mission of the Davie Family Foundation to drive positive change and social impact.

Pathfinder School Playground

Established by the GO Fund in 2013, Pathfinder School has grown to become a beacon of hope and opportunity for over 350 students up to grade 9. Situated in a community where financial challenges often limit access to quality education, Pathfinder offers a lifeline, providing free schooling to children living in poverty.

The school’s mission goes beyond just academics; it’s about nurturing holistic development, empowering each student to reach their full potential. This wouldn’t be possible without the combined support of the Davie Family Foundation and the GO Fund. While the school operates on a no-fee basis for underprivileged families, it also relies on contributions from those who can afford to pay and generous donations from supporters passionate about its cause.

In line with its commitment to providing a safe and stimulating environment for its students, Pathfinder is currently embarking on an exciting project: the construction of a playground. This playground isn’t just a space for fun and games; it’s a vital component of the school’s infrastructure, fostering physical activity, social interaction, and cognitive development.

As the playground takes shape, anticipation builds, but there’s one crucial detail yet to be finalized—the name. This isn’t just any playground; it’s a symbol of opportunity, resilience, and community spirit. It’s where children will laugh, learn, and create cherished memories for years to come.

The design of the playground reflects careful consideration for safety and inclusivity. Enclosed within a sturdy fence, it provides a secure space for children to play freely under the watchful eyes of teachers and staff. The equipment, carefully selected to cater to various ages and abilities, includes a merry-go-round, slides, a see-saw, and swings—three swings, to be precise, ensuring there’s always room for everyone to join in the fun!

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